Back in August 2005 now discredited David Lereah gave a presentation of the US housing boom. There is a slide refering to economists predicting a downturn as 'chicken littles'.
The Calgary Herald just released an article titled Sky isn't falling on Calgary's condo market.
Are you reassured? Why or why not?
More evidence that the Alberta real estate market will not crash.
This is from an internationally acclaimed economist...
This is from a quick google search.
the 'independent' consultant, is actually a marketing strategist for several large real estate developers...good thing that the herald checks its facts.
"The Downtown Condo Market"
In just two short years, Jennifer Podmore has positioned herself as Western Canada’s “Google of Real Estate.” As the founder and managing partner of MPC Intelligence, she has created a real estate market strategy consultancy and market intelligence data company that has attracted a roster of blue chip real estate developers including Intracorp, Adera and Concert Properties.
Jennifer was plucked from her studies at UBC by Colliers International to be the company’s research director. For five years, she researched the Vancouver and Victoria markets and served approximately 10,000 clients. During this time she noticed a market void of companies tracking and analyzing residential real estate. This realization prompted her to devise a new approach to revolutionize an industry that was poorly serviced by technology and meaningful market data.
Jennifer linked up with a silent partner, who shared her vision, and MPC Intelligence was born in 2005. Under her leadership, MPC Intelligence has grown to track over 3,000 developments on a monthly basis in Greater Vancouver, the B.C. Interior, Greater Victoria and Alberta, providing invaluable service to its clients.
In 2007, Jennifer grew the company to include a consulting division with two full-time consultants. MPC now offers strategic sales and marketing recommendations and direction through feasibility pricing analysis and best and maximum use surveys. This new division accounts for more than 50 per cent of all revenue and will grow to provide recommendations for sustainable design.
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