Sunday, January 10, 2010

Home inspection remains a buyer-beware environment

Good article from Vancouver Sun

However, despite a property inspector's report that indicated some minor problems and noted a roof needed to be replaced within five years, Zallen faces spending up to an estimated $40,000 to make major repairs before she can move in.

She purchased the home for $405,000.


He added that while the provincial licensing requirement did succeed in pushing inspectors without credentials out of the industry, it did not adequately address a problem he sees with realtors referring clients to certain inspectors.

Hunter said inspectors wind up in a potential conflict of interest if they depend on referrals from realtors for work, or let realtors pay the fees for inspections.

Also see this marketplace video where 5 home inspectors miss the signs of a contaminated former grow op.

Links taken from Vancouver Real Estate Anecdote Archive

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